Thursday, September 3, 2009

Gluten-Free Product Review: Schar White Dinner Rolls

Whoa! It's been a while again, hasn't it? As usual, I have several excuses as to why I haven't blogged. The most important one is that I've been dealing with Ulnar Nerve problems. Basically, it means that the nerve that runs through my elbow (my funny bone) is wreaking havoc with my computer time! I've been told I need to cut down, use my left hand to move the mouse around (yeah, right!) or, if necessary, cut out using the computer all together! So usually by the time I check Facebook and Twitter and my email for the day, my elbow, arm and hand are really hurting and I have to put my elbow pad on and rest.
Well, elbow issues or not, I just had to blog tonight about my latest gluten-free find.
When I saw Schar Gluten-Free Classic White Rolls at Price Chopper this afternoon, I nearly did a back flip. All of the Schar products I have tried, with the exception of one, I have just loved. They really seem to have a handle on making great gluten-free foods!
I brought my package of rolls home and decided I couldn't wait another day to open them. The directions say to heat the oven to 400 degrees and bake the rolls for 4-5 minutes. After I heated the roll, I sliced it in half with my bread knife and saw lots of airy, white bread. Instead of buttering the roll, I dipped it in a plate of olive oil, Parmesan cheese and black pepper. These rolls are amazingly good! No funny aftertaste and they aren't heavy like some other gluten-free breads I have tried. It was a nice complement to the Quinoa Pagoda Pasta "goulash" I had for dinner.
The drawbacks are:
1. The price. Four rolls for $5.99.
2. It is not recommended that you freeze the rolls, once they are open. You have to eat them within 4-5 days of opening. That means I have to eat one every day for 4 days.
I am anxious to try them toasted, maybe with some garlic butter on them. Since they are also about the size of a hamburger bun, I want to try them that way too!
Ok, now that I've told you how good these rolls are, I have to go put ice on my elbow and try to drink my green tea with my left hand....

2 comments: said...

YUM!! Those look great!!

I will have to see if I can find those this week! :)

Thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

I love these rolls! I cut them in half, toss them in the toaster, and use them as hamburger or sandwich buns. My main grocery store and the Gluten Free Trading Company don't carry these yet, oddly I can only get them at the local Piggly Wiggly so far, but they're worth the trip.