Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Belly Aches, Viruses and Gluten-Free Chicken Soup

March seems to be "going out like a lion" in our household.  My husband came down with a flu-like virus last week while he was out of town and still hasn't fully recovered.  Over the weekend, my belly decided it wasn't having any of it, so I've been on the Aciphex, Citrucel and Imodium diet ever since.  Then, to top it all off, I just returned from picking up my daughter from the school nurse's office.  It seems she may have caught whatever it is that my husband has.  *deep sigh*

So, I did what every good mother does when the family isn't feeling up to par.  I made chicken soup.

I've made this recipe before.  I don't really have any exact measurements to follow.  Just a handful of this and a pinch of that.  I like it that way.  I don't usually make big batches to freeze, although you definitely could, just use a bigger pot and add more stuff!  ;)

My recipe goes something like this.

In a saucepan, heat some olive oil.  Throw in some chopped celery, carrots and onions and saute' until soft.

  Add some minced garlic and a box of gluten-free chicken broth.

Throw in some pre-cooked chicken.  I used some of a roaster chicken I had bought on sale, cut up and put in the freezer for just such an occasion.  I put the rest back in the deep freeze to use at a later date.

Add some gluten-free noodles, any kind you like.  I used Bionaturae Gluten-Free Spaghetti.  I broke it up into pieces before throwing it in the pot.  Sea Salt and Pepper to taste.

You can also add a bay leaf, if you can find it in your spice drawer.  I couldn't.  (Note to self:  Do SOMETHING about that spice drawer!)

Let it all bubble away until the pasta is cooked.  Serve nice and hot so that you can breath in the steam!

Hopefully, with a little rest, plenty of fluids and my homemade chicken soup, the family will be back to "normal" soon.  (Whatever that is! LOL!)

Have a great gluten-free day!


Kat said...

Hope everyone feels better! That's similar to my recipe, though when I'm feeling cheap/ambitious I'll make stock using a roasting chicken carcass. And I love salt so I'll add a little bouillion.

Lisa said...

Thanks, Kat! I have never roasted a chicken carcass...I know I shouldn't, but I throw them away. I just get a little grossed out by the looks of them! LOL!

Kim said...

Hope you are all well soon! I have been sick this week as well - cold and my stomach has not been happy either. Not sure if it is related or I ate something off.